The X

2 files use the extension of ZLB


Form•Z Symbol Library File

Classification:plugin file
File used by form•Z, an application used for 3D surface modeling; contains a symbol library of reusable drafting items, such as buildings, trees, furniture, cars, or other objects; enables symbols to be exported and imported with the software.

ZLB(Form•Z Symbol Library File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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Z-machine Package Game File

Classification:game files
Game file used by Z-machine Interactive Fiction (IF) interpreters such as Spatterlight and Zoom; contains story contents in a Blorb wrapper; includes other gameplay files, such as .MOD files for music, .AIFF files for sound effects, and .JPG files for cover art.


ZLB files are similar to .BLORB files but are compatible with only Z-machines. They are the same as .ZBLORB files. BLORB files containing Glulx games will most likely appear with the .GBLORB or .GLB extensions.

ZLB(Z-machine Package Game File) related software:


1 software


1 software


2 software

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