The X

2 files use the extension of TMR


Apimac Timer Document

Classification:data file
File created by Timer, a stopwatch and clock utility for Mac OS X; contains saved timer settings for the stopwatch, countdown, alarm clock, and standard clock features; used for saving and reusing the settings created in the program.

TMR(Apimac Timer Document) related software:


1 software

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Free Countdown Timer Backup File

Classification:backup file
File created by Free Countdown Timer, a program used for setting countdowns for birthdays, anniversaries, the new year, and other events; saves a backup of the countdown list and can be used for restoring countdowns or sharing countdowns with other Free Countdown Timer users.


You can load a TMR file by choosing File → Load from File from the application menu. To save a TMR file, choose File → Save to File. NOTE: TMR files use a simple text format to store the countdown information.

TMR(Free Countdown Timer Backup File) related software:


1 software

发送 E9787 至公众号 IT小技巧 查看软件名称。