The X

2 files use the extension of TAP


Commodore 64 Cassette Tape Image

Classification:disk image file
Disk image created from a data storage tape formatted for the Commodore 64 (C64) or ZX Spectrum systems; contains an exact copy of the data from the tape in a single file; typically used for games or other types of applications.


TAP files may be opened on Windows computers using a C64 or ZX Spectrum emulator.

TAP(Commodore 64 Cassette Tape Image) related software:


7 software


1 software


3 software

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Tap Tap Revenge Tap File

Classification:game files
Tap file used by Tap Tap Revenge, a music game similar to Guitar Hero for the iPhone and iPod Touch; contains a timeline of "taps" that are displayed when a song is played in Tap Tap Revenge.


TAP files can be created and edited using third-party software, but they can only be used by Tap Tap Revenge on the iPhone or iPod Touch.

TAP(Tap Tap Revenge Tap File) related software:


3 software


2 software

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