The X

1 files use the extension of SPM


Salt Package Manager Formula Package

Classification:Compressed file
An SPM file is a package created by Salt Package Manager (SPM), a program used to package Salt formulas to distribute them to Salt masters. It is a compressed folder that contains a collection of pillar, jinja, and state files that make up a formula. SPM files can be used for various purposes, such as setting up users or permissions or configuring and starting a service.


To build an SPM package organize the formula files in a folder on the build system, create a FORMULA file (stores metadata used by SPM) in the root of the package folder, and run spm build <folder name>. The package is built in the /srv/spm_build folder. Salt is a configuration management system that is used to maintain remote nodes in defined states. It can also be used as a distributed remote execution system to execute commands and search data on remote nodes. A Salt master is a server that acts as a central control bus for the minions, which are clients. For more information about Salt, click here.

SPM(Salt Package Manager Formula Package) related software:


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1 software


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