1 files use the extension of SLI
OMSI Spline Configuration File
Classification:game files
Spline file created by OMSI The Bus Simulator, an omnibus driving simulation program; similar to other OMSI configuration files like .HUM, .SLI, .SCO, and .BUS files; holds configuration data that guides human and Artificial Intelligence (AI) traffic during gameplay, for e.g., the roads; can be customized.
The OVH file is made up of lines of data following a keyword (whether it's for height profiles, textures, graphical lanes, or paths). The format looks like this:
An example of a Height Profile SLI file looks like this:
-8.000 - First X-coordinate (begin)
-4.000 - Second X-coordinate (end)
0.500 - Height on First coordinate
0.250 - Height on Second coordinate
OMSI will only read lines of data that are in this format.
SLI(OMSI Spline Configuration File) related software:
1 software
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- eBook file
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