The X

3 files use the extension of ROD


Actuate Report Object Design File

Classification:data file
Report design created with Actuate software, such as Actuate e.Report Designer; includes form layouts, fields, forms, and other information; used for customizing the output of reports generated with Actuate software.


Executable reports are saved as .ROX files.

ROD(Actuate Report Object Design File) related software:


1 software

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Ancestry Genealogical Database File

Classification:database file
Database used by Ancestry, a program used to keep track of genealogical information; contains data about a user's genealogical line, which includes family names, relationships, birth dates, photos, and anniversaries.


Ancestry, which was originally named Rodokmen, is designed to help you organize your genealogical information and generate family trees. The ROD file is used to store and transfer your genealogical information. NOTE: The ROD file extension was replaced by the .RODX file extension, which was then replaced by the .RODZ extension.

ROD(Ancestry Genealogical Database File) related software:


1 software

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RIB office Database File

Classification:database file
Database file used by RIB office, a project management application for planners and engineers in building construction, civil engineering, and road construction; stores all office data in the Progress ObjectStore database format; used as the backend format for saving RIB office data.


ROD files can contain information such as time management data, drawings, employee information, contacts, contract data, and invoices. NOTE: RIB office is no longer available.

ROD(RIB office Database File) related software:


1 software

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