The X

3 files use the extension of MML


FrameMaker Maker Markup Language File

Classification:page layout file
File created using the Adobe Maker Markup Language (MML); used by Adobe FrameMaker, a program used to produce and publish large structured documents; contains formatting instructions for page layout, graphics, text, and other page properties.


MML files may be imported into an existing FrameMaker document, or they may be used to generate a new page layout. They are stored in an ASCII text format.

MML(FrameMaker Maker Markup Language File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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Microsoft Clip Organizer File

Classification:data file
Data file used by Microsoft Clip Organizer, a program used for managing clip art images used in Microsoft Office applications; saves media catalog information used by the software.

MML(Microsoft Clip Organizer File) related software:


1 software

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MyMailList & AddressBook File

Classification:data file
Data file created by MyMailList & AddressBook, a program used for organizing personal contact information; saves a spreadsheet table of contacts and can be printed to structured digital or hard copy forms in the software.

MML(MyMailList & AddressBook File) related software:


1 software

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