The X

2 files use the extension of MDE


ArchiCAD Educational Version Module File

Classification:plugin file
Add-on for the educational version of ArchiCAD, an architectural design software program; adds additional functionality and extra features to the program.


Modules for the standard version of ArchiCAD a .MOD extension.

MDE(ArchiCAD Educational Version Module File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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Compiled Access Add-in File

Classification:plugin file
Add-in file used by Microsoft Access, a program used for managing relational databases; stores the compiled version of an .MDA file, which contains Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) source code; protects the contents of the add-in by storing it in a compiled, binary format.

MDE(Compiled Access Add-in File) related software:


1 software

发送 E5600 至公众号 IT小技巧 查看软件名称。