The X

2 files use the extension of LDF


Lingoes Dictionary Source File

Classification:data file
Source file used for specifying dictionary information for Lingoes, a dictionary and text translation program; saved in a plain text format and contains dictionary title information as well as terms and their definitions.


LDF files are compiled into .LD2 files, which can be imported into the Lingoes software. Currently, users cannot compile their own dictionaries, but Lingoes Project plans to release Lingoes Dictionary Creator software, which will allow users to create LD2 files.

LDF(Lingoes Dictionary Source File) related software:


3 software

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SQL Server Transaction Log File

Classification:data file
An LDF file is a log file created by SQL Server, a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It contains a log of recent actions executed by the database and is used to track events so that the database can recover from hardware failures or other unexpected shutdowns.


LDF files are transaction logs. These logs contain a history of activity for both fully committed and partially committed transactions to the database (the .MDF file). After an unexpected shutdown, SQL Server can use the transaction log to restore the database to the exact state before the failure. Transaction logs can be truncated once the database creates a checkpoint, which is a stable state of the database and the log file. RDBMS systems can then safely delete all log data up to the point of the checkpoint, reducing the log file size. NOTE: LDF files can become very large in size. This is due to the fact that no checkpoint has recently been created. However, it also may be due to open transactions that have not yet been fully committed, or other locks on database records.

LDF(SQL Server Transaction Log File) related software:


2 software

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