The X

1 files use the extension of JNX


BirdsEye JNX Raster Map

Classification:GIS file
A JNX file is a raster map used by select Garmin devices, such as Alpha 100 and Montana 650, to assist users with navigating terrain. It contains a large raster map saved in a tile format that is divided into small rectangular pieces (tiles) for optimizing map rendering. JNX files also store the encrypted unit ID of the Garmin device it is created for.


JNX files are available through a BirdsEye subscription. They can support up to 5000 tiles per level but allow for fast rendering speeds. One drawback to the format is that it locks to a device meaning you cannot create a JNX file from another raster map. JNX files are still usable after your BirdsEye subscription has ended.

JNX(BirdsEye JNX Raster Map) related software:


1 software

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