The X

2 files use the extension of HID


KeepSafe File

Classification:encoding file
Security file created by KeepSafe, an Android and iOS application that hides your images and video; contains a video or image that is hidden from the user until the appropriate pin is entered; also appears with the .HID2 file extension.


When you choose a video or image to be hidden, KeepSafe appends a string of numbers preceding the filename and the HID extension on to the end of the file. The extension hides the file from being recognized as what it really is, like a .JPG file, and prevents other applications on the device from recognizing the file. For example, KeepSafe may save an image file as 8945715774357453030.IMG_11429.JPG.HID. The "8945715774357453030" is a random string of numbers generated by KeepSafe and "HID" is the extension added by the program. NOTE: The HID extension was replaced by the .KSD extension in 2013.

HID(KeepSafe File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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Sony Ericsson Remote Settings File

Classification:settings file
Stores configuration information for using a Sony Ericsson cell phone as a Bluetooth remote control; maps keys on the phone to certain keys or commands on the computer.


Different HID files may be loaded for controlling different programs, such as audio and video players, Web browsers, etc. HID files can be transferred to the cell phone using the Bluetooth File Exchange utility in Mac OS X or the Bluetooth Devices Control Panel in Windows.

HID(Sony Ericsson Remote Settings File) related software:


2 software


1 software

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