The X

2 files use the extension of GTM


GPS TrackMaker Data File

Classification:GIS file
A GTM file is a data file created by GPS Trackmaker, a program used to create maps from GPS data. It contains GPS waypoints, routes, and track logs. GTM files also store waypoint text, user-defined text, images, screen display, and background and grid color information.


GTM file open in GPS TrackMaker GTM files are saved in the GPS TrackMaker (GTM) format, which is a binary format developed for quick recording speed and more compact data storage. You can create a GTM file in GPS TrackMaker by selecting File → New File and save a GTM file by selecting File → Save File. You can open a GTM file in GPS TrackMaker by selecting File → Open File.... You can also convert a GTM file to another format by selecting File → Convert Files....

GTM(GPS TrackMaker Data File) related software:


1 software

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GreekToMe Translation File

Classification:data file
File used by GreekToMe, a Greek New Testament study program; saves a New Testament Bible translation (e.g., KJV, ESV, etc.) provided for use with the GreekToMe software; contains both Greek words and their translations.


Although the translation data in GTM files is displayed in plain text in the program, the data is encrypted to ensure integrity when loading the file. Even changing the filename makes the file unusable.

GTM(GreekToMe Translation File) related software:


1 software


1 software


1 software

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