The X

3 files use the extension of FIG


3ds Max Figure File

Classification:3D image file
3D model file used by 3ds Max, a 3D modeling and animation program; stores the figure structure for a biped, which is a two-footed figure; stores all link positions, twist links, and the scales for the current pose; allows modelers to save a biped's structure and then rig similar characters with the same poses.


FIG files are often saved with .CAL files, which add pose adjustment information. NOTE: FIG files do not contain actual skeletal mesh or animation data.

FIG(3ds Max Figure File) related software:


1 software

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MATLAB Figure File

Classification:data file
A FIG file contains a figure created by The MathWorks MATLAB, an application used for mathematical computations. It stores one or more plots or graphs, which are used to visualize data.


In MATLAB, a figure is the window that contains graphics output from mathematical data. The figure function creates a figure (window), which allows users to insert plots and graphs. You can open a FIG file using the openfig(filename) function and save a figure as a FIG file with the saveas(fig,filename) function. In the MATLAB application interface, you can save a FIG file by selecting File → Save or you can export it to an image, such as .JPG or .PNG, by selecting File → Export.

FIG(MATLAB Figure File) related software:


1 software


1 software


1 software

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Xfig Drawing

Classification:vector image file
Line drawing saved in the Xfig format; stored as a vector image that may include lines, shapes, arcs, splines, arrows, and text objects; may also include images, colors, and patterns.


The Xfig format was originally developed for the Xfig drawing program, but is now also recognized by other drawing programs.

FIG(Xfig Drawing) related software:


2 software


3 software


1 software

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