The X

1 files use the extension of EDZ


EPLAN Electric P8 Data Archive Zipped File

Classification:Compressed file
An EDZ file is a data archive used by EPLAN Electric P8, a program used to plan, document, and manage electrical control, fluid power systems, and control systems projects. It contains macros for parts and parts data, such as control units, sensor modules, and line modules.


EDZ files are used to import downloaded parts data into the parts management of EPLAN. In order to import EDZ files into EPLAN Electric P8, select Utilities → Parts → Management then click [Extras] → Import..., which opens the "Import records" dialog. Then choose the "EPLAN Data Portal Exchange Format", which is the EDZ file, in the file type field.

EDZ(EPLAN Electric P8 Data Archive Zipped File) related software:


1 software

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