The X

1 files use the extension of BKF


Windows Backup Utility File

Classification:backup file
A BKF file is a backup file created using Windows Backup Utility, which is included with Windows NT and XP Pro (located in Programs → Accessories → System Tools). It contains a catalog of one or more files that a user chose to preserve.


BKF files can be restored to Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista systems using the Windows NT Backup - Restore Utility. You can also restore files from a BKF catalog in Windows 7, 8, and 10 with NTBackup (it is titled "" on the download page). Select "Restore files and settings" in the "Backup or Restore" wizard, select Browse..., navigate to the BKF file, click OK. NOTE: Windows Backup Utility must be installed from the XP Home installation disc to be used with Windows XP Home Edition.

BKF(Windows Backup Utility File) related software:


3 software

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