The X

1 files use the extension of A7L


Authorware 7 Library

Classification:settings file
Library created and used by Authorware 7, a visual authoring tool for creating media-rich e-learning applications; contains a collection of individual icons and related content; only supports Display, Sound, Interaction, Movie, and Calc icons.


A7L library files only store individual icons that do not have any flowline or icon structure. The content that the library does store is only a link to the content not the actual content. Like the .A7D file, the library file is helpful for project teams that need to develop programs using the same content. To create an A7L file, select File → New → Library and add your icons from the flowline. Then, select File → Save or Save As..., name the file, choose the save location, and click Save. NOTE: Authorware 7 was the last version developed by Macromedia before Macromedia was acquired by Adobe Systems. Authorware was discontinued in 2007.

A7L(Authorware 7 Library) related software:


1 software


1 software

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