The X

2 files use the extension of XPM


Micro Planner Manager File

Classification:data file
Planning project file created by Micro Planner Manager; used by business managers for tracking and managing individual projects; supports up to 1500 operations per project.


Micro Planner Manager can merge and import data from multiple XPM files as well as Microsoft Project (.MPX) files.

XPM(Micro Planner Manager File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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X11 Pixmap Graphic

Classification:raster image file
Bitmap image used by the X Windows System, a (GUI) used to run networked client-server computers; supports monochrome, gray-scale, and color pixmap data; stores pixmaps as static character arrays in the C programming language.


XPM files were designed to extend .XBM files. Both image types can be included with C program source code and compiled directly into applications with a C compiler.

XPM(X11 Pixmap Graphic) related software:


9 software


2 software


4 software


1 software

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