The X

2 files use the extension of UPR


FileMaker User Dictionary

Classification:data file
Data file used by FileMaker, a desktop database application; contains a user-defined word list that is used for spell checker exceptions when spell checking a database or form; differs from a .MPR file, which is a standard FileMaker language dictionary.


The default user directory is User.upr, which is located in the /Dictionaries/ directory of a FileMaker installation. You can access the word list in this dictionary by selecting Edit → Spelling → Edit User Dictionary... in FileMaker.

UPR(FileMaker User Dictionary) related software:


1 software


1 software

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Fractal Parameters File

Classification:data file
Data file used by fractal math and art programs such as Apophysis and Ultra Fractal; saved in a plain text format and contains the parameters used to generate a fractal image; often used for flame fractals; also used for sharing fractal sets with others.


Since the UPR format saves fractal parameters rather than a bitmap, it allows the fractal image to be rendered mathematically and zoomed without loss of quality. Programs that render UPR files generally can save any view within the fractal image as a raster graphic such as a .PNG, .JPG, or .BMP file. NOTE: Apophysis is available in a source code format.

UPR(Fractal Parameters File) related software:


2 software

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