The X

2 files use the extension of TOP


Gromacs Topology File

Classification:data file
Data file created by Gromacs, a molecular data analysis application; contains a molecular topology, which formally describes the structure of a molecule; created by pdb2gmx, a program that generates topologies from Protein Data Bank (.PDB) and Residue Topology Parameter (.RTP) files.

TOP(Gromacs Topology File) related software:


1 software

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TopSolid Design Document

Classification:CAD file
CAD file created by TopSolid, a program used for CAD design and PDM (product data management); stores a CAD drawing, which is comprised of one or more parts; includes the 3D geometry of the part models and may include Bill of Materials (BoM) information as well.


TOP files can be viewed with Missler's free TopSolid'Viewer CAD viewing software.

TOP(TopSolid Design Document) related software:


2 software

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