The X

2 files use the extension of SNS


Save-N-Sync Project File

Classification:backup file
Project file created by Save-N-Sync backup software; saves a list of files and folders to backup, as well as a schedule for creating the backup; used for saving and loading backup job settings.

SNS(Save-N-Sync Project File) related software:


1 software


1 software


1 software

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SNS Video Game Audio File

Classification:audio file
Audio file used by some Electronics Arts video games, including Burnout Paradise and The Sims 3; may store the audio with different codecs and therefore cannot be easily converted or played with standard audio software; used for game sounds and music.


SNS files may use EALayer3, EA XAS ADPCM, or another audio codec. For SNS files that use EALayer3, you can use the ealayer3.exe program to decode them. EA XAS ADPCM formatted files can be decoded with FFmpeg.

SNS(SNS Video Game Audio File) related software:


2 software

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