The X

4 files use the extension of SID


MrSID Image

Classification:raster image file
Image created using Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID) compression, which was developed by Extensis for compressing large images; commonly used to partition and store large Geographic Information Systems (GIS) images.


NOTE: Extensis was formerly known as LizardTech.

SID(MrSID Image) related software:


8 software


2 software


2 software

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ScanIt Document

Classification:raster image file
Document created and used by ScanIt, an application used to extract data from graphs; contains the graph image and its metadata; includes axes definitions, document windows, and other document specific options.


The SID file allows you to save your progress and continue it at a later time. The file can be saved to a variety of image formats, such as .JPEG, .PNG, .TIF, and .BMP.

SID(ScanIt Document) related software:


1 software

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SID Audio File

Classification:audio file
Audio file originally used by Commodore computer systems, but now more often used for playing the sounds on Commodore emulators and SID software players; often used for video game background music and can use mono or stereo audio formats; created for the MOS Technology 6502 processor, which can be emulated by newer desktop software to play the audio.


SID files may use the PSID format or the newer RSID (Real SID) format. While the PSID format is more compatible with general Commodore emulation software, the RSID format requires more complete emulation of the C64 hardware.

SID(SID Audio File) related software:


2 software


2 software


2 software

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Steam Game Data Backup File

Classification:game files
Backup file created by Steam, an application used to download and manage Valve video games on desktop computers; contains compressed game data created by the Steam backup feature (steambackup.exe program); used to backup games to DVDs or other external media.


SID files are created with a .SIS file and a .SIM file, which provide metadata necessary to restore backup game data. SID files use the naming convention {game}_disk{X}_{Y}.sid, where "game" is the name of the backup game, "X" is the disk number, and "Y" is the backup file number on the disk. NOTE: Steam backups do not include saved games, custom multiplayer maps, or configuration files. You must backup and restore those files manually.

SID(Steam Game Data Backup File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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