The X

4 files use the extension of SAF


McAfee Fortress File

Classification:data file
Locked archive created by McAfee Fortress data protection software, which has now been discontinued; stores a file using password protection and encryption; can only be opened with the McAfee Fortress software.

SAF(McAfee Fortress File) related software:


1 software

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SafeText File

Classification:text file
Password-protected text document that is encrypted so other people cannot read it.

SAF(SafeText File) related software:


1 software

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Secure Audio File

Classification:audio file
Copy-protected audio file format developed by InterTrust that incorporates DRM (digital rights management); used for downloading purchased music to MusicMatch Jukebox.

SAF(Secure Audio File) related software:


1 software

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Street Atlas USA Map File

Classification:GIS file
Map file format used by DeLorme Street Atlas USA, a custom mapping and GPS navigation program; contains a detailed map of a specific region; also stores the map center coordinates, the current zoom level and magnification, user preferences, and custom routes or layers added by the user.


SAF files are saved by default in the C:\DeLorme Docs\Map Files directory.

SAF(Street Atlas USA Map File) related software:


1 software

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