The X

2 files use the extension of RSD


RealSQLDatabase File

Classification:database file
An RSD file is a database file format used by REALbasic, a software development application that uses the BASIC programming language. RSD files store data in a structured format that can be accessed via SQL commands.


RealSQLDatabase files may be loaded within a REALbasic program using a command such as: myDB.databaseFile = GetFolderItem("mydb.rsd"). In 2013, REALbasic became Xojo. The legacy RSD file extension may still be used by some Xojo developers on SQLite files instead of .SQLITE.

RSD(RealSQLDatabase File) related software:


2 software


2 software


2 software

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Rosetta Stone Data File

Classification:data file
An RSD file is a data file created for Rosetta Stone, an interactive language teaching program. It contains language data referenced by Rosetta Stone and is not meant to be manually opened. RSD files are located in the "data" and "speech" folders within the Rosetta Stone .ISO file on the Language Disc.

RSD(Rosetta Stone Data File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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