The X

3 files use the extension of RBS


MP3 Ringtone File

Classification:audio file
Song file created in the .MP3 format; contains audio data and is often encoded at 64Kbps; commonly used for distributing cell phone ring tones over the Internet; can be played as a regular MP3 file by renaming the file extension to ".mp3."


NOTE: RBS ringtone files should not be confused with Rebirth song files. RBS ringtones are encoded in an MP3 format while Rebirth songs are encoded in Propellerhead Software's proprietary synthesizer format.

RBS(MP3 Ringtone File) related software:


4 software


2 software


4 software

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Rebirth Song File

Classification:audio file
Audio file created by a Rebirth RB-338 software synthesizer; can include drum sounds and other electronic instruments referred to as voices; used by musicians for saving music compositions.


Propellerhead Software, the developers of the Rebirth RB-338, discontinued the product on September 1, 2005. The software is still available from the Rebirth Museum website for free. However, no software support is provided.

RBS(Rebirth Song File) related software:


2 software


1 software

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Windows Installer Rollback Script

Classification:backup file
Script created during a software installation run by Windows Installer; contains a set of instructions used to restore the pre-installation system state if the installation does not complete; if the installation is successful, the file is deleted automatically.


The rollback script restores files saved in the corresponding rollback .RBF file. Both files are stored in a single archive named "Config.Msi."

RBS(Windows Installer Rollback Script) related software:


1 software

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