The X

2 files use the extension of QPH


Qt Phrase Books File

Classification:data file
Language translation file created by Qt Linguist, a program used for translating and internationalizing Qt (pronounced "Cute") applications; contains text phrases and their translations into another language; provides a translation repository that can be used by multiple Qt applications.


QPH files may also be generated from Qt Translation Source files (.TS files) using the lconvert utility, which is included with the Qt SDK. NOTE: Qt SDK was previously developed by Nokia before Digia acquired the software.

QPH(Qt Phrase Books File) related software:


2 software


2 software


2 software

发送 E7868 至公众号 IT小技巧 查看软件名称。

Quicken Price History File

Classification:data file
Contains a list of prices that have been downloaded or manually entered for investments in a Quicken account; used for providing historical prices of stock prices and other securities; saved separately from the main Quicken .QDF file.

QPH(Quicken Price History File) related software:


1 software


1 software

发送 E7869 至公众号 IT小技巧 查看软件名称。