The X

3 files use the extension of PIX


Alias PIX Image

Classification:raster image file
Bitmap image created in the proprietary Alias PIX format; contains a header followed by pixels that are run-length encoded in packets; originally used by Alias 3D software, such as PowerAnimater, but is not commonly used anymore.

PIX(Alias PIX Image) related software:


4 software


1 software


1 software

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BRL-CAD Raw Image File

Classification:raster image file
Raw image format used by BRL-CAD, a cross-platform open source solid modeling system; saves image data in a 24-bit uncompressed format; uses RGB color mode and does not contain dimension information.


NOTE: PIX files can be converted to standard .PNG files using BRL-CAD's pix-png command.

PIX(BRL-CAD Raw Image File) related software:


1 software


1 software


1 software

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PCI Geomatics Database File

Classification:GIS file
PCIDSK file (PCI Geomatics Database File) created by Geomatica, a geomatics program used for processing and analyzing geographic images; contains spatial information split across multiple image channels; often used for storing small to very large geospatial data sets, such as satellite images.


The PCIDSK file format was created by PCI Geomatics in 1988. It was designed as a replacement for the UNIDSK format, which was dependent on 16-bit architectures and was unable to scale to 32-bit and 64-bit systems. The PCIDSK format includes more flexibility for storing new data requirements. Geomatica can be used for remote sensing, geospatial analysis, digital photogrammetry, map production, mosaicking, and automated product system functions. Geomatica is available in Core and Prime editions.

PIX(PCI Geomatics Database File) related software:


4 software


1 software


1 software

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