The X

2 files use the extension of OSC


Obix Source Code File

Classification:developer files
Developer file written in Obix, a programming language that is designed to reduce programming errors by using the "Fail fast!" system that implements error reduction techniques; can be compiled into Java binaries (.CLASS or .JAR files) using the Obix compiler and then run on a computer that has the Java runtime environment installed.


Obix is distributed in a source code format and can be built on Linux or Windows systems. Obix requires the Java JDK version 6 or later.

OSC(Obix Source Code File) related software:


1 software


1 software

发送 E6760 至公众号 IT小技巧 查看软件名称。

OpenStreetMap Change File

Classification:GIS file
Street map data file created in the OpenStreetMap Change (OSC) format; contains modification data for an existing .OSM street map; enables a central or existing street map to be updated with new data.

OSC(OpenStreetMap Change File) related software:


2 software


2 software


1 software

发送 E6759 至公众号 IT小技巧 查看软件名称。