The X

2 files use the extension of MTZ


Compressed MetaStream Scene File

Classification:3D image file
Compressed MetaStream 3D scene file; saved in an ASCII text format and uses XML-style tags to store information about the scene; may include global scene options, hierarchies of instances, camera information, and animation data.


Uncompressed MetaStream scene files use the .MTX extension.

MTZ(Compressed MetaStream Scene File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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MIUI Theme

Classification:System Files
Android phone theme used by MIUI (pronounced "Me UI"), a program used for modifying the firmware, or "ROM," of Android devices; saves a theme that customizes the look of the Android interface.


Different MTZ files are used for different Android devices. For example, a mobile phone theme is not suitable for an Android eReader device. NOTE: To apply an MTZ theme, you first need to install the MIUI ROM.

MTZ(MIUI Theme) related software:


1 software

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