The X

2 files use the extension of MSE


3ds Max Encrypted MAXScript File

Classification:encoding file
MAXScript (.MS) file saved in an encrypted format; can automate processes within 3ds Max; the secure format protects the script's source code from being viewed or modified by other users; often used for commercial scripts that are distributed to the public.

MSE(3ds Max Encrypted MAXScript File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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MediaShow Slideshow Project File

Classification:video file
Slideshow project created by MediaShow, a program used for creating home-made videos and slideshows; saves a list of images with transition effects, text, and background music; can be exported to .WMV or .MPG (MPEG2) formats and then shared with friends and family members.


MediaShow slideshows can be shared on YouTube and FaceBook using functions available in the software.

MSE(MediaShow Slideshow Project File) related software:


1 software

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