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3 files use the extension of MDP


FireAlpaca Image

Classification:raster image file
An MDP file is an image file created by FireAlpaca, a free paint tool for Windows and macOS. It is the native format used to save images in FireAlpaca, which may include multiple image layers, masks, stencils, annotations, filters, and other elements.


MDP file open in FireAlpaca 2 The MDP file is the primary file type associated with FireAlpaca. It is used to save images that can be closed and reopened by FireAlpaca for further editing. However, the format is not widely supported. Therefore, when you are finished editing your image in the MDP file you can export the file as a .PNG, .JPG, .BMP, or .PSD file. You can create an MDP file in FireAlpaca by selecting File → New... then selecting File → Save or Save As... and selecting the "FireAlpaca" format. You can open an MDP file in FireAlpaca by selecting File → Open... and choosing the MDP file.

MDP(FireAlpaca Image) related software:


1 software


1 software

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MediBang Paint Pro Image

Classification:raster image file
An MDP file is an image created by MediBang Paint Pro, a free painting and comic creation application for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It is the native format used to save images in MediBang Paint Pro. MDP files store one or more layers, which may include annotations, stencils, masks, and other shapes.


MDP file open in MediBang Paint Pro 21 The MDP file is the primary file type associated with MediBang Paint Pro. The format is only supported by MediBang Paint Pro, but can be exported to more popular formats, such as .PNG, .JPG, .BMP, .TIFF, .WEBP, and .PSD. You can create an MDP file in MediBang Paint Pro by selecting File → New... then selecting File → Save or Save As... and selecting the "MediBang Paint Pro" format. You can open an MDP file in MediBang Paint Pro by selecting File → Open... and choosing the MDP file.

MDP(MediBang Paint Pro Image) related software:


1 software


1 software


1 software


1 software

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Visual C++ 5 Workspace File

Classification:settings file
Settings file created by Visual C++ 5, a program used to develop Windows programs using the C++ programming language; stores the workspace configuration settings; used for saving and loading customized workspace layouts.


NOTE: Visual C++ is included with Microsoft's Visual Studio software development tool.

MDP(Visual C++ 5 Workspace File) related software:


1 software

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