The X

3 files use the extension of LRF


League of Legends Replay File

Classification:game files
Game replay created by LOLReplay, a game replay recorder and manager for League of Legends (LoL); used for re-watching gameplay and sharing the replay with others online; can only be opened by LOLReplay (not by the League of Legends game), but still requires that League of Legends be installed on the computer.


LRF files are not video files and cannot be opened by video playback programs. Instead, they can only be played with the LOLReplay software. This is because LRF files capture events that take place during gameplay, and the software re-simulates the events when it is replayed. This allows the file sizes to stay small in comparison to a full motion video equivalent. It also allows the observer to move over the map, select units, and view the replay from multiple perspectives. NOTE: LOLReplay is discontinued and no longer available for download.

LRF(League of Legends Replay File) related software:


1 software

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Microsoft Linker Response File

Classification:developer files
File used by Microsoft C/C++, an implementation of the C/C++ programming languages and associated compiler; contains text instructions to link program modules together when creating an executable file.


LRF files link modules using the format "link @responsefilename".

LRF(Microsoft Linker Response File) related software:


1 software

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Sony Portable Reader File

Classification:eBook file
File used by Sony Reader, a mobile eBook reading device; contains data for a Sony "BroadBand eBook" (BBeB), including text, images, and pagination data; saved in a compressed binary format that includes a header, a specified number of objects, and an object index.


LRF and .LRX files comprise the two available BBeB book formats. LRF files are not encrypted and may be compiled from LRX files. LRF files may be converted from various other file types, including .HTML and .PDF. NOTE: Sony Reader is discontinued and no longer available for download.

LRF(Sony Portable Reader File) related software:


5 software


1 software


2 software

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