The X

3 files use the extension of CUB


Analysis Services Cube File

Classification:data file
Data file created by Analysis Services, a component of Microsoft SQL Server; stores a "cube," which is a collection of structured data exported from a data source; includes the data schema as well as the data itself; often used for performing Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) analysis.


Analysis Services cubes can be accessed from a live source using SQL Server's PivotTable Service component. Cube files can also be used for offline analysis in Microsoft Excel. For example, OLAP cubes generated from Analysis Services can be opened and analyzed in Excel and saved as offline cube files.

CUB(Analysis Services Cube File) related software:


2 software

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Gaussian Cube File

Classification:data file
Gaussian cube format created by the cubegen and cubman programs included with the Gaussian distribution; stores volumetric properties, such as the number of atoms, X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of origin grid points.


Gaussian is an electronic structure program used to calculate volumetric properties such as electron densities and electrostatic potential. Besides the ".cub" extension, the application uses the more common ".cube" file extension to save data in the Cube format.

CUB(Gaussian Cube File) related software:


2 software


2 software


2 software

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ISIS Cube File

Classification:GIS file
GIS image file created by ISIS (Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers), a software package used for processing satellite imagery from NASA planetary missions; stores a cube, which is a three-dimensional image containing axes for "samples," "lines," and "bands".


ISIS cube files are used for image processing and for generating geological surface images for the earth. NOTE: ISIS was developed by USGS (U.S. Geological Survey).

CUB(ISIS Cube File) related software:


1 software

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