The X

2 files use the extension of COL


Capture One Session File

Classification:data file
A COL file is a session file created by Capture One, a program used for managing digital photos. It stores an organized collection of photos selected by the user and supports folders and virtual albums. COL files are often used for organizing pictures from trips or photo shoots together.


COL files have been replaced by .COSESSIONDB files. They can still be opened by Capture One along with COL60, COL50, and COL45 files.

COL(Capture One Session File) related software:


1 software


1 software

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Grand Theft Auto Collision File

Classification:game files
Stores collision information for a car or other object in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) III, Vice City, and San Andreas; defines what parts and how much of the automobile can be damaged.


COL files can be edited with CollEditor or Collision File Editor II.

COL(Grand Theft Auto Collision File) related software:


2 software

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