The X

2 files use the extension of ALI


Dynamics AX Label Index File

Classification:data file
Index of label (.ALD) files used by Microsoft Dynamics AX business management software; contains all label values, arranged by language.


Microsoft developed Dynamics AX after acquiring Axtapa Systems.

ALI(Dynamics AX Label Index File) related software:


1 software

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RoboHelp Alias File

Classification:data file
File created by RoboHelp, a program used for creating Windows help documentation; saved in a plain text format and contains mappings of aliases to help files in the format, ID_MyForm=Form.htm; saved as part of the overall help project (.XPJ file).


RoboHelp aliases integrate with the Windows Context-Sensitive Help API, which allows programmers to call up help documents from the program code using the alias IDs.

ALI(RoboHelp Alias File) related software:


1 software

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