The X

2 files use the extension of 3D


Stereo CAD-3D Image File

Classification:3D image file
Three-dimensional image used by Atari Stereo CAD-3D, a program for Atari ST systems; stores 3D objects using the Motorola Fast Floating Point library (LIBF) for vertex coordinates; used as an earlier format for 3D animations.

3D(Stereo CAD-3D Image File) related software:


1 software

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Survex 3D Cavern File

Classification:GIS file
3D file created by Survex, a program used for recording and visualizing cave system data; contains data that allows the software to visualize a 3D cave system; was generated from an .SVX file using the cavern program included with Survex.


3D files are viewed with Aven, a visualization program bundled with the Survex software package.

3D(Survex 3D Cavern File) related software:


2 software


1 software


1 software

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